Farmville Area Christian Homeschool Co-op

How It Works


We meet weekly on Fridays, at 9:30am, at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Farmville. Our meeting begins with announcement and prayer. Classes begin at 9:45am and end at 11:30am, followed by lunch/social time. We are currently operating on a semester-based schedule, with a fall semester and a spring semester. Membership for each semester is separate; families may participate in only one semester or both.


We cover topics from various subjects such as history, science, English, math, music, art, foreign language, home economics, and geography. Final subjects are determined after the teaching schedule is made and are determined by the interest and abilites of the teaching parent. Students are grouped into classes based on their age and ability.

Our classes are usually "enrichment" classees, meaning they are not intended to provide a full core subject class. These classes should be viewed as extras, not a replacement for teaching math, science, history, or language arts at home.

We teach from a Biblical world-view. In science and history courses, we may discuss evolution, but present it as theory and emphasize Bible-based creationism.


Parent meetings are held as needed. All members of the co-op have a voice and a vote on policies affecting the operation of the co-op. Policy changes are only implemented after everyone has a chance to share their view point and the change has been confirmed by a majority vote. Membership in the co-op is by application and requires unanimous consent of current members. (Newly accepted members do not vote on new applicants until the following year.)

Parent Responsibilities

Group Fees

There is a fee of $50 per new member family, and $30 per continueing family with current background check per semester which is used to pay for background checks, to purchase needed supplies, to pay for photocopies and other occasional expenses, and to compensate to the church for the use of their facilities. Additionally, new families are asked to pay a $10 deposit toward their membership fee by two weeks from their acceptance into the co-op. This deposit is not refundable if you withdraw from the co-op, although exceptions may be made for special circumstances. The remaining $40 of your fee should be paid when classes begin.


Parents commit to share teaching responsibilities over the course of the semester. In addition to regular instruction, this involves the preparation, by the class, of a performance or display project for Friends & Family night. If you are scheduled to teach on a particular day, but cannot make it, it is your responsibility to arrange for a substitute.


We usually provide a nursery for little ones while their parents are teaching. All parents are expected to help staff the nursery. Nursery assignments are scheduled in the same manner as teaching assignments. Parents are also welcome to keep little ones with them while teaching, if desired.


The classes for younger children include a snack time. Parents are expected to pack and bring a snack for their own children.



We abide by Biblical standards, such as the Ten Commandments, Matthew:37-39, and the Golden Rule. We expect teachers and students to do their “best work as unto the Lord”. We expect everyone to respect each other and the church building we are using.. No play-fighting or roughhousing is allowed. No gum chewing is allowed. We ask that students check the floor and their desks to clean up any scraps of paper, crumbs, or other messes they have created before leaving class. No ball-playing is allowed indoors. Some areas of the church have fragile decorations, so please make sure your children are supervised when in those areas. Let us leave the building in better shape than it was in before we arrived.


Discipline of children is the responsibility of their parent(s). If a student becomes a problem in class, the teacher should contact the parent as soon as possible to discuss the situation. We adhere to the Biblical model of conflict resolution described in Matthew 18:15-17. If you have a problem of any sort with anyone in our group, please talk to them first to see if you can resolve it between yourselves. If you cannot solve the problem that way, contact our group coordinator who may act as mediator. If the problem continues, it will be brought before the whole group. Serious problems that cannot be resolved in this manner (such as a child becoming physically violent) may lead to removal from the co-op.

Inclement Weather

We will notify families of cancellations for inclement weather by text message. When in doubt, check for these announcements or contact the coordinator.


If you or your children are sick, please stay at home. If this occurs on a day when you scheduled to teach, or staff the nursery, it is your responsibility to obtain a substitute to cover for you.

Class Supplies

Basic School Supplies

Each family is responsible for equipping their children with basic school supplies for classroom use. Teachers should provide a list of expected items for their classes. Typical items include pencils, markers, colored pencils, glue, scissors, paper, and a binder or folders to organize papers.


Some classes may require a textbook. Parents are required to obtain textbooks for their children.

Special Class Supplies

Any additional supplies needed to teach the class should be provided by the teacher. If you need supplies that cost more than you are comfortable paying for, you may contact the parents of your students ahead of time requesting permission to do an activity that requires them to pay for or bring special supplies.


Each teacher is responsible for providing any copies needed for their class. We currently have an arrangement to use the church photocopier, but we ask that only certain designated individuals should do so (this is an effort to maintain good relations with the church). If you need copies, please ask one of the designated persons to make them for you.